Is it a Chinese Machine?
Do we have well know Turkish Brand?
I have lived long 31 years in turkey and then moved to Canada,
My last work experience was the Kaban machinery who was the #1 brand on the window and door manufacturing machines not only in turkey most likely whole middle east. Sales numbers reaches the thousands pieces of equipment in tens of million usd. Yet, if I mentioned that name to my Canadian or American customer is it still as important ? am I still going to get the question where it was built? I can not say for certainty but I would give an easy 50% change and what I have seen on my past that weather it was build in turkey, China, Vietnam, Korea,
it is not much important as long as it was not manufactured in German, Italy or China.

Are all Chinese machine inherently BAD!
Absolutely not,
That was a big selling advantage for the european manufacturer but Moon Machinery with correct connections proved that right machine which is matching industry standard is also possible with Chinese machine manufacturers.
hundreds of machines sold in last two year and we had not only kept up with the north American industry standard , provided that how important to be had work with a local machine dealers.